BTS ~ The SET Up

BTS ~ The SET Up

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I have been spending the last couple of days setting up shop with this blog, while simultaneously trying to just start something…anything. So, I figured, I would start tracking what I am doing in case anyone wants to reference “how to start a blog / be a creator” step by step. If you are just now starting out, you can follow along with me now! Because who wants to do this alone!? LOL.

Behind-the-Scenes Things

So this area of my blog is “BTS – The SET Up” and it will just document everything I am doing to start and keep going with this new venture. It will be about the behind-the-scenes things that I am doing. So far, I have done the following:

β€’ Came up with a name – Seachels Experience Travel (SET)

β€’ Created a brand identity – πŸ©΅πŸ’›πŸ’œ (Turquoise, Yellow and Purple)

β€’ Found a web host – Bluehost

β€’ Signed up with WordPress

β€’ Figured out all the back-end minutia with setting up a WordPress website

β€’ Watched YouTube videos to figure out how to do some of the things

β€’ Signed up and set up social media pages. There are so many…I definitely need to pick no more than three.

β€’ Fine tuning wording and branding…this is ongoing.

β€’ and just STARTing!

A Productive START

I really just needed to start. I’m still lagging on some things to be honest, but this is a start. That is always the hardest part…to just START. Ideas can easily get trapped in my head, so I’m just glad, this one made it out!

I don’t feel like I’ve done a lot, but now that I write it down, it’s actually been kind of productive.

Now that I’ve done some initial set up, I need to focus on the administrative parts of things…like how to manage various social media platforms, and making sure I am not losing track of things. Burn out is real.

I’m going to end this here for now, but will be back with more of what has been going on behind the scenes of the SET up soon. Follow me to check out what’s new!

Check out the BTS ~ Resources page!



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