Hi! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m Chelseá. Some of my friends call me Chels, others call me Che. I worked my name into my brand’s name by transposing the letters of my name to make it an anagram for “Seachels…” and to read as “See Chels” Experience Travel…Get it? Anyhoo. I created this website because friends and family are always asking me for travel or planning tips, so I figured, I could direct them here, or at least I could go back and reference this in case I missed a tip to share.
I’m a Leisure Traveler…
And a Travel Advisor…
As of January 2024, I am also a travel advisor! I am an experienced leisure traveler who travels with family and friends during my free time. I am the planner friend that likes to put things together to ensure everyone will have a great time to create lasting memories. Exploring new places and planning for new experiences is a passion of mine. I hope to share with you the best ways to find great flights, cool hotels, fun experiences, how to plan trips while saving money and other things I’ve discovered with my adventures.
I’m not sure what this will evolve into, but until then, let’s enjoy the journey!
Seachels Experience Travel (SET) is a website about travel, experiences, tips, sips (drinks), reviews & hacks to inspire you and your crew to #SETandgo.
I also sometimes provide info on my behind-the-scenes process of running a blog. So check out my BTS posts.
SET and Go!
SET’s mission is to show you that traveling and experiencing new places can be fun, while also finding some cool deals in the process. I’m here to help you travel smart, experience more and be fearless in doing so. I understand that traveling is not a one-size-fits-all experience, so I want to inspire you to explore your style and find what excites you.
If you enjoy my blog and find it entertaining, inspiring or useful, please help by spreading the word and follow me on my social media accounts to stay updated with the latest news!
Join me on this adventure! #seachelSET #getSETcrew.